Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday September 16, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0430. It was pitch black. It was still dark at 0700. The days they are getting shorter. Today is swim day so we grab our gear and head to the MAC. We both swam 1500 yards. Swimming is the one activity that Nancy and can do together. In fact Nancy is a better swimmer than I am. She has a beautiful stroke. We are not going to Meijer's today because we have been invited to a brunch at the Moleski's. The brunch started at 1030 and we were right on time. Linda Moleski had fixed an egg casserole. The menu included champagne, the casserole, ham, fruit and assorted bread products. It was a great brunch. When I got home I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I walked over to the USPO to mail a letter. It is another great fall day. Sun, blue sky and temperatures in the mid 70s. Nancy is fixing hot dogs and beans for dinner tonight. We will take our mile walk and then I will read the GRP and watch the Lions on TV. Monday PM: We did take our 1 mile walk. I read the GRP but did not watch the Lions. In fact it is now 1654 and I still don't know the score.

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