Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday September 15, 2012

51 years ago on this day and date I became an Ensign in the USN. I graduated from Navy OCS located in Newport, RI. My Mom, Dad and Sister attended the ceremony. I can still remember the day. Today I got up at 0700. Nancy is sleeping in because she is not taking any Saturday classes at the MAC. I got on my bike and pedaled to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. I read the WSJ. Lately my schedule has not given me enough time for reading the DFP. How can a retired person have a busy schedule? I wish the WSJ would forget about banking in Europe and the USA election and report more on business stories. Since the Feds want us invest our cash in the stock market I want more information on where to put our money. I would prefer as low risk investment as possible. Right now a 3% return seems great. Our CDs are paying less than 0.4%. After breakfast I stopped at Ms P's vet to get a tour of their kennel. All three kennels I have visited were clean and their staff were very dedicated. The costs were comparable. When I got home I loaded up the kayak on the C2 and headed to Bruce's Bayou located on the Grand River almost to Grand Haven. It was a beautiful day to be on the water. We had a bright blue sky and pleasant temperatures. I saw several Sand Hill Cranes. They are a pretty bird. After about an hour of paddling I beached the kayak and started chewing on some trail mix. I got out the cell and called Debbie. Debbie told me the good news that she had just purchased a house in San Jose. She was very excited. We talked about 20 minutes and Debbie filled me in on her purchase and very busy upcoming schedule. I hurried home to tell Nancy the news. The GR Circle Theater is presenting a play called "The Great American Trailer Park" at Aquinas College. The play is a musical. After 1700 the tickets for the evening play are 1/2 price. At 1650 I got on my bike and pedaled to Aquinas. The play was sold out but they had one remaining set of side by side seating. The catch was one of the seats was an obstructed view. I bought the tickets. The play was indeed sold out. It was a very funny play and we enjoyed the music. The obstructed view was not too much of a problem. There was no intermission so we were home by 2130.

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