Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday September 2, 2012

Sunday morning and the alarms go off at 0655. Today we are going swimming and then to Meijer's for supplies. I felt good swimming this morning. However, my time swimming for my 1500 yard medley was 47' about 1' slower than normal. I purchased gas at Costco on Friday and paid $3.87, the lowest price in town. Today gas was $3.999 at Meijer's. We returned bottles to help offset our food costs. We had 30 returns. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read a section of the paper and then headed upstairs to take my nap. I have to be up by 1400 because we have to go to Costco to get a birthday cake for Linda Moleski. I woke at 1330 and looked for Nancy and saw that she and Ms P were taking a nap. Nancy never naps in the afternoon. Tonight we are going to the Moleski's for a barbeque. Sort of an end of summer get together. How about UM. They were totally outclassed last night. Is UM that bad or is Alabama that good? Anyway football season should not start until after Labor Day and end before Thanksgiving. After we picked up the cake from Costco we came home and then at 1630 headed to the Moleski's. Tom Moleski barbequed both ribs and chicken for dinner. We also had grilled corn on the cob and vegetables. We sat outside and ate. It was a perfect evening for an outside dinner. We had birthday cake and ice cream and all sang Happy Birthday to Linda. We headed home at 2130.

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