Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday September 19, 2012

Today I had breakfast club. It was pitch black when I headed downtown at 0645. It was also cool enough, mid 40s, for me to wear a sport coat. Today's speaker talked about the Shriner Hospitals for Children. He has been active in the group for over 30 years. Next BC meeting I get to introduce the speaker. The speaker will be the Kent County's Drain Commissioner. After BC I stopped by the Kava House to read the WSJ. Did Mitt Romney shoot himself in the foot? I agree with his statements but I think he could have used the opportunity to say that under his administration he will get the economy running so all the folks dependant on the Government could get a job. The cool morning has me thinking Fall. When I got home I took all my wool pants, wool sweaters and winter coats to the dry cleaners. After the cleaners I stopped by F. David Barney and picked up my new wool pants. I asked Bruce, who has been selling me clothes for over 20 years, how often I should get wool clothes dry cleaned. His answer was never. I respect his opinion but I will get my wool clothes cleaned at least once a year. I spent three hours cutting the lawn. The grass was not very long but it still needed to be cut. Ms P was full of energy today so I threw my arm out throwing the ball to her. It must be the cool weather. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. We will have a light dinner and then take our mile walk. We did both.

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