Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tuesday September 11, 2012

Another great sleeping night. Ms P and I went out at 0600. I got up for good at 0700. Today is my tri day. I rowed 2k in 9'03". My goal is to get below 9'. Last night I had to hurry and pay some bills that I had forgotten about. On my pedal to the MAC I had to stop at the Breton Village mail box. Today I swam 1,000 yards in 29'. This is a PB for me. The young women in the next lane swam the 1,000 in 16'. Makes me feel old. I wore a jacket on my pedal to the MAC but ditched the jacket on the ride to the Kava House. It is suppose to get to the low 80s today. Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11. I remember 9/11 clearly. Like today it was a beautiful sunny fall day with a bright blue sky. When I got to the office in the McKay Tower the staff was watching the collapse of the towers on TV. It was a tragic day for the USA. I think the country has made a great recovery. Last May Nancy and I toured Ground Zero. I spent most of the afternoon giving my comments on a set of bridge plans. I then took Ms P on a walk around the block. I was out of beer so I grabbed by empty growler and walked to Harmony. They filled it up with a brew called Happy Farm. It is a pale ale. I think IPA's are too bitter. How about you? Today Nancy is grilling a pork loin for dinner. We will watch the news and then take a 1 mile walk. At 2000 we will watch NCIS and read the GRP. And that is exactly how it happened.

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