Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday September 7, 2012

This morning I only did my calisthenics at home. The weather folks said that heavy rain will be starting at noon. I hustled and loaded my bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I started at 0850 and rode 17.5 miles in 1h26'. This is a good time for me. After my ride I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ was loaded with stories on the decision of the European Central Bank to help struggling economies in Europe. In fact this decision was the reason the stock market went wild yesterday. (go figure) Liar, liar stop already. I am so tired of the fact checkers checking up on Romney and Obama statements. Let me determine what is fact or fiction. I think the biggest problem with the election is all the worthless chatter on cable. When I got home Kim was still cleaning the house. I got back in the C2 and headed to Great Lakes Bicycle to get a minor repair done on my bike. I was also thinking of making some major changes to the brakes and gears. They talked me out of it saying it was a waste of money. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I really like the new Kindle Paperwhite so I asked Kindle what do I do with all the books on my old Kindle. I expect a reply soon. I am also ordering a new crisper drawer for our KitchenAid refer. Nancy and I are going to Brann's tonight for dinner. It is now 1530 and no rain. We both had a salad at Brann's. The place was crowded. It started to rain as we were leaving the restaurant. We watched some TV before heading upstairs.

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