Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday September 9, 2012

Sunday and the alarm goes off at 0655. We all get up and head to the MAC. I swam my 1500 yards in 45'. I felt good this morning and thought I was swimming faster than the 45'. Our larder is full so we are not going to Meijer's today. We head home and I load Ms P into the car and head to the Eastown BP for a fillup. Gas was $3.89 and it took $59 to fill the tank. After gas I stopped at the Kava House and got us coffee. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a section of the GRP before heading upstairs for my Sunday nap. After the nap I finally finished checking a set of bridge plans. I really have a tough time sitting down and working for any length of time. In other words I have a problem focusing. I would say it is a sign of aging but I could not focus when I was a teenager. I watched the last minute of the Lions game. That is all I needed because in that time the Lions scored and won the game. Should I get my hopes up? Tonight Nancy and I are going to a chili cookout. I think we get to be judges. We indeed were judges. The neighbors brought about 8 different types of chili. The categories were, spicy, traditional, white and special. We sampled all. The event was held in the front yard of our neighbors on Pontiac, the Deur's. Despite the short notice the event was well attended. Nancy and I spent about 2 hours eating and talking to neighbors. It was a beautiful fall evening. After we got home we watched the end of the Women's Tennis finals and then 60 minutes. I also finished the GRP. Both Nancy and I are disappointed with the GRP since it has gone to publishing 3 days a week. The quality of reporting has really dropped. I headed upstairs at 2200.

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