Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saturday September 8, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0555. I got up for good at 0715. It was cool this morning so I wore a jacket for my bike ride to Bill's. I had oatmeal and English muffin toast. When I got home Nancy needed at package mailed so I put the package in my backpack and headed to the PO. The place was crowded. I was #14 in line. After the PO I pedaled to the Ada Bike Shop on Fulton. I purchase a rear carrier with an easy on/off bag. It was too windy to go kayaking so I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. My goal today is to ride on every paved path in the park. I accomplished my goal. I rode 15 miles in 1h26'. Yesterday I had the same time but pedaled 17 miles. We are staying home this evening. I will watch some football on TV. Nancy fixed BLT for dinner with corn on the cob. This year the corn has been very sweet. I did watch some football on TV before heading to bed at 2200. You can tell fall is here because of the shorter days. Another sign is that the Robins seem to have headed south. I have not seen one is several days.

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