Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday September 13, 2012

It was a warm evening. Today is suppose to be our last hot day. I wore shorts to the MAC. I did the tri with no improvement in my times. The Kava House was not very busy today. Did you know that most of the folks at the Kava House have Apple computers. The WSJ was loaded with articles on the attack on Americans in the middle east. All these new democracies must learn that a free speech, no matter how bad, is part of a democratic government. Immediately after lunch I finished cutting the back yard. The weather man said rain would roll through late in the PM so I wanted to finish early. I spent the rest of the afternoon finding out if our health insurance would pay for a prescription I just had filled. I spent about an hour calling insurance companies trying to get an answer. I did not get an answer. Nancy and I are attending a preview of this year's Art Prize at the GR Art Museum. We left home at 1730. The event was well attended. (probably because of the free food). We saw several neighbors and at least three BC members and their wives. The preview was very interesting. I liked about 50% of the displays, which makes the event a big success. We were home by 2000. I read the GRP and watched some TV. I guess the new TV season starts next week. It started raining about 2130 and we had a gently rain almost all night.

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