Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday June 26, 2011

Today is the last Sunday in June. The summer is moving too fast. We get up and at 0730 we head to the MAC. Today is first time I have been swimming in three weeks. It felt good. After our swim we headed to Meijer's for our week's supplies. We have to also purchase some special food for Missy and AJ who are coming this Friday to take care of Ms P on the first and second. We are going to Alpena so I can attend my 55th reunion.

Today is also the first time in several weeks that I had to fill the Taurus up with gas. It took over $60. Gas was $3.64. For breakfast today Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I started writing this blog. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a concert at Meijer's Garden. Steve Martin is performing. He is suppose to be an excellent banjo player. Tonight's concert is bluegrass. Stay tuned.

Steve Martin put on a great concert. It was all bluegrass. We were blessed with perfect weather. Nancy fixed a light dinner for us to eat at the concert. The concert started and 1900 and ended at 2100. We were home and in bed by 2200.

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