Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday July 19, 2011

It was in the 80s at 0500 this morning. I got a call about 0830 from Tom Grumbine about a bridge beam problem he has. We talked for about 40 minutes. I have never had a short talk with Tom. I hope I gave him some good advice.

I rode my bike to the MAC and really worked up a sweat. The MAC is air conditioned so I had no problem working out. The running track, however, is not air conditioned and I really was uncomfortable. In order to cool off I jumped in the pool and swam 500 yards. They had the AC at the Kava House jacked up too high so I sat outside. It was windy and I was glad I had the Kindle because I did not have to fight blowing papers. Score another one for the Kindle.

I did not get home until 1400. I had a quick lunch and then started running some errands. I paid my bills for my Emergency Room visit. I was surprised at how much my insurance paid. Did you know a CT scan cost over $1800? I stopped by the office to pick up tickets for Thursday's White Caps game. Of course I also talked to all the folks. I next stopped at the ATM machine to get some walking around money. I also stopped at D&W to get a case of Bud (cans). I am back drinking Bud after my AHS reunion. Bud, not Bud Light, is the preferred beer of my classmates. Also a can of Bud is $0.72 versus a bottle of Oberion at $1.25.

Nancy worked at the Tuesday night concert at the Gardens. She sat in an AC room selling tickets. I did not have to work so I stayed home with Ms P. Ms P and I walked around the block about 1900 and the temperature was in the 90s. Ms P does not like these hot, humid days. I really don't mind the weather.

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