Monday, July 4, 2011

July 2, 2011

It was a beautiful summer's day. We left the motel about 0900 and drove south along US 23. We stopped in Ossineke and had breakfast at Connie's. We then drove around looking for my Great Grandfather Sanborn's family home. I could not find it.

We turned around and headed north. We spent several hours driving around Long and Grand Lakes. We were surprised at how many cottages were for sale. The lakes look good. We stopped at Presque Isle boat harbor and walked around. There were a lot of empty slips. I think the bad economy is hitting the east side of the state harder than the west side. We topped off the drive with a quick tour around Roger City. Nancy had never been to RC. It is a very pretty lake town.

We stopped by the cemetery to look for my parents grave site. It found it in record time. The site looked well maintained. I also found my Uncle William Hughes and his family's site. I could not find my Grandmother Hughes burial site.

We went back to the motel and got ready for the evening's activities. At 1800 we headed downstairs to the reunion. There were over 100 folks in attendance. The Class of 1956 had 207 members. Fifty three members have passed. The meal and program started at 1900. The program was short and then the real reunion began. They had a disk jockey who played music from the 50s. Nancy and I danced a number of times. I had an opportunity to talk to most of my high school friends. In fact Nancy and I were among the last to leave. I really enjoyed the evening. We all said as we departed: "see you in 5 years".

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