Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26, 2011

The windows were open last night for the first time in a week. We have had a break-in in the neighborhood last weekend. When Ms P started barking at 0200 I headed downstairs to see if there were any prowlers. I saw nothing.

After my morning routine I had a quick breakfast. This morning instead of going to the MAC I will ride my bike to Ada. I headed out at 0945. It is a 19 mile round trip. I stopped at an empty Kava House to read the papers and enjoy a coffee. I got home at 1330.

Except for walking Ms P around the block I spent the afternoon upstairs in the office. I spent some time catching up on the blogs and also cleaning my in basket. Nancy said she is fixing pig for dinner. We will watch NCIS and read the papers before retiring. I have breakfast club tomorrow so I have to get to bed early.

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