Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday July 11,2011

It was raining hard when I started my at-home routine. I planned on driving to the MAC but as I was leaving I saw a patch of blue sky so I took the bike. It started raining hard again as I was getting ready to leave the MAC. So, I got a cup of coffee and read my newspapers at the MAC. I came straight home from the MAC.

I had one item scheduled for the afternoon. I had to take Ms P to the Vet for her rabies shot. Ms P behaved herself and the shot appeared painless. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

Monday evening I helped Nancy deliver OHNA announcement of Saturday's bulk pickup. The OHNA will provide dumpsters for all neighbors who want to get rid of bulky items. After the delivery we watched some TV and read the GRP.

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