Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday July 19, 2011

The weatherman said it would be very hot and humid all day. Today is my easy day and I really wanted to go kayaking. This morning as I rode my bike to Bill's I thought the weatherman was wrong. It was overcast and not real hot. In fact I thought it was bearable. I had Bill's pancake special.

When I got home I thought we might get some rain so I wanted to stay close to home. I loaded up and headed for Reeds Lake. If it does rain I can bail out of Reeds Lake with little damage. It started to rain about 40 minutes into my paddle. It rained for about 40 seconds and then stopped. The sun came out and the temperature climbed about 15 degrees in 10 minutes. I paddled about 6 miles.

It was over 90 when I got home. I had a quick lunch and then did some computer work. I also took a short nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home early, 1600, because most folks did not want to go out in the heat. At 1700 I took a 2.25 mile walk.

Tonight I had cereal for dinner. We watched some TV and about 2030 I took Ms P around the block. It is now 2150 and as soon as I finish this blog I am heading to bed. Remember even in summer you must get your 30 in.

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