Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday July 9, 2011

I set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy can make her early body pump class. I get on my bike and head to Bill's for breakfast. I have their "Super Breakfast". After breakfast I load up the kayak and head to Riverside Park. This is the first time in over a year that I have launched from Riverside. I spent 2.5 hours paddling around.

Nancy has a lunch date with several friends today. When I get home I take a quick shower and then take a short nap. At 1500 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head to the Horling's cottage on Maston Lake. We took Ms P with us. The Horling's have a 60 pound Golden Retriever/Poddle mix. I was surprised that the dogs got along just fine.

The first thing I did was show off Ms P's water skills. I spent 30 minutes throwing sticks into the water. The water temperature was near 80.

Hal cooked salmon on the grill. The meal was great. The Horling's are good hosts. After dinner we took a pontoon boat ride around the lake. It was a perfect evening for a boat ride. We headed home about 2130. It was a great summer day.

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