Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday July 1, 2011

Today we are heading to Alpena a distance of 250 miles. We head out at 0900. We have left Ms P alone because Missy and AJ are heading to GR from Ohio. They should be in GR by 1400. We hope Ms P has not accidents.

I am feeling much better today. The traffic was heavy but not congested. We made it to Alpena in a little over 4 hours. We are staying at the Holiday Inn.

Nancy and I are meeting my good friend Tom Cassell and his new girlfriend, Marilyn at JJ's Pizza at 1800. It was good to see Tom and we spent the hour going over old times. At 1900 a reception was held in JJ's Banquet Room. I had an opportunity to talk to a lot of old classmates. The reception broke up about 2200.

It was a very good day.

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