Sunday, July 10, 2011

Friday July 8, 2011

I still cannot use Word and internet explorer to do my blog. I am using Apple's Safari to get to the blog's template. I do not like using this method because Word has many editing features that I like. The end result is that my blogs are much shorter when I use Apple and I think I have more grammar errors.

It is another beautiful day. Instead of going to the MAC I decide to ride my bike to Ada and then back to the Kava House, a distance of 18 miles. I read both the WSJ and DFP thoroughly. The papers must be in their summer doldrums because I found no articles that I thought worth writing about.

My new lawn mower is being recalled for some safety items. I load it up into the Taurus and drop it off at the Fulton Street Mower and Bike shop. I can pick it up early next week. I also stop at Rylee's to get two drill bits so I can mount Aunt Judy's antique bell on a wood post.

I took a very quick nap. Tonight Nancy and I are working at the "Pink Martini" concert at Meijer Gardens. We arrive at 1700 and work until the concert starts at 1900. A benefit of working concerts is that we get to stay and watch for free. I had never heard of Pink Martini but they were really good. We sat near Jack and Rita Kirkwood, our old neighbors, and at intermission had the opportunity to talk to them.

Early July, 1961: US Navy OCS, Newport, RI. I have settled into a routine at OCS. There are no major surprises. In fact I am finding the classes very interesting. I especially like the Navigation and Operations classes. The instructors are beginning to treat us like real people.

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