Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday July 4, 2011

Today is the 4th of July and that means the Hollyhock Lane Parade. We get up at 0700 and the first thing we do is head to Starbucks for coffee. At 0800 we put AJ in her stroller and head for the parade. It is only two block away. This year's parade had our US Senator Deborah Stabenow and US Rep Amash. We also had every local elected official. The parade had floats made by local kids, a neighborhood marching band and lots of decorated bikes and strollers. The speeches and raising of the flag took place in a neighbor's back yard. The back yard fronts on the back alley called Hollyhock Lane.

After the parade Nancy fixed her world famous egg dishes for breakfast. We sat outside at the picnic table. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Nancy grilled steak for dinner. We are going to the EGR fireworks tonight. We will meet Adri and family there. At 2030 we head to EGR. We sat by the new soccer field. The fireworks started at 2200. This was AJ's first fireworks and she seemed to enjoy them. Today was my 73rd 4th of July.

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