Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday July 30, 2011

Everyone was up early today. It is a nice summer's day. About 0810, AJ, Zoe, Missy and I head out for Saugatuck. Ms P has a morning beauty appointment so Nancy elected to stay home. We were early enough getting to Saugatuck so a parking space was found without too much difficulty. Our first stop was the Pumpernickel for breakfast. The restaurant was getting crowded when we arrived. We got the last big table and when we left the line to get in was out on the sidewalk.

We walked around downtown and then we walked along the quay to get a look at all the boats in the harbor. All the docking spots were full. Saugatuck was having an Arts and Craft Fair so Missy and Zoe walked around while AJ and I played on the toys in the park.

We got home just in time for me to go and pickup Ms P from the beauty shop. Nancy, Zoe and AJ in the meantime headed to Meijer's Garden. I dropped Ms P off and then went on a 15 mile bike trip.

Missy has her 25th OHHS reunion tonight at the Amway. She left about 1730. The rest of us got in the Taurus and headed to Olga's for dinner. We sat outside. After dinner we stopped by Woodland Mall so Zoe and Nancy could look at shoes. We got home about 2030.

Nancy went to bed early but I stayed up and watched Kelly's Heros and Blazing Saddles. I have seen both movies many times. I finally head to bed about 2330.

Missy got home a little after midnight. She said she had a great time at the reunion.

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