Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday July 25, 2011

Both the temperature and humidity are going to be lower today. Nancy turned the AC off before she left for the MAC. I set a PB for the 4k row this morning. I increased the tension and it make me faster but my legs are screaming when I finish.

Speaking of screaming, my legs are always tired when I climb the hill on Sylvan between Hall and Adams. The MAC was not very crowded today. Vacation time? Monday is alway my busiest day at the MAC. It was nearly 1130 when I left.

The Kava House was also empty. I read the WSJ and DFP. I am so tired of the debt ceiling debate. Please settle on something soon! I did read several articles on the shootings in Norway. It was tragic. How prevalent are these hard cases in northern Europe?

This afternoon I spent several hours printing material, talking to City officials and just gathering more data on the street light system for tonight's OHNA Street Light meeting. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

The meeting was scheduled for 1900. Only three members showed up. I gave my little report and we decided to arrange a meeting with GR's Street Light managers.

One committee member said he liked scotch so I gave him a taste of the single malt scotch I purchased in Campbeltown, Scotland. I also had a taste. I am beginning to worry. The scotch is starting to taste good. The meeting was over at 2000.

Nancy had made cookies for tonight's meeting. We had some left over so I indulged. We were upstairs by 2100.

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