Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday July 13, 2011

Ms P and I head outside at 0430. After Ms P does her bidness it is back to bed. I get up when the alarm goes off at 0600. Today I have Breakfast Club. I think a lot of folks are on vacation because the attendance was light. The speaker talked about the food bank he runs that services 40 counties in West MI. It was very interesting.

After Breakfast club I head to the Chevy dealer to get my car serviced. I then head home. Ms P and I walked around the block and then I check my bank accounts on the computer. At 1130 I got in the C2 and head to the MAC. Today I swam 1,000 yards.

At 1400 I attended a GRBA meeting. The agenda was very light so the meeting was over in 30 minutes. When I got home I took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home about 1700 and at 1730 Nancy headed to Moleski's for Book Club. I left shortly after and headed to Fred's for pizza with Tom Moleski. On my way to Fred's I had to cross over I-196. Traffic was backed up and I wondered what the holdup was. I soon found out that people were lining the sidewalks on the bridge over I-196. They were waiting to view the motorcade carrying Betty Fords body to the Ford Museum.

After pizza I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy got home at 2000. I read the GRP and then took a 1.5 mile walk. This evening was a perfect night for a walk. It is now 2150 and as soon as I publish this blog I am turning in. It has been a busy summer's day in GR.

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