Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday July 16, 2011

I just lost this blog into never-never land. I will try again.

I could not dilly-dally today because the OHNA is having their annual dumpster. I can dispose of a lot of bulky items out of the garage. I pedaled to Bill's and had their pancake special. I hurried home and loaded up the C2. I made three trips to the dumpster parked in the school parking lot. After cleaning the garage I removed all the unattached items out and then swept the garage. I think the results were good.

After all this work I said I needed a break. I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake. It took me 65 minutes to circumnavigate the lake. It is 3.16 miles around the lake.

Nancy and I went to Cheero's for dinner. Cheero's is located in the same building as the MAC. The restaurant that use to occupy this space has been closed for about three years. Cheero's bills itself as a sushi, pizza and sports bar. Nancy and I gave it a 3.1.

We turned the AC on at 1730. The house was at 83 and I set the AC for 72. When we went to bed at 2200 the temperature had dropped to 80. Despite the heat Saturday was bright and sunny. A perfect Saturday in July.

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