Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6, 2011

Wednesday is my easy day. I get up at 0700 and pedal to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. After breakfast I head home and get ready to go kayaking. I have a tough time figuring out where to go. It was a warm sunny day. I finally decide to go to Pigeon Lake and River in Ottawa County. I put in at the DNR ramp. I paddle towards to Pigeon Lake's entrance to Lake MI. I stick my nose in the big lake but quickly turn around. My kayak is too small for the big lake. I paddle under the Lakeshore Drive bridge. It is a beautiful structure designed, no doubt, by a brilliant engineer. I paddle upstream for about 1 hour and then turn around. I spent 2.5 hours on the water. I love this time of year in MI.

When I get home I walk Ms P around the block. It is about 90 and she does not take to the heat very well. After leaving Ms P office I take a 2.25 mile walk. Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon and she and I got home at the same time.

Today is Veronica's birthday and so Nancy and I called her in Long Beach, Ca and wished her a happy birthday. Veronica is a great Daughter-In_Law. If you want to know Veronica's age just remember last year I was twice as old as Veronica.

I had cereal and strawberries for dinner tonight. The strawberries were from Alpena and very sweet. I watched the news and then headed upstairs to get caught up on my blogs. I still cannot publish my blog using word and internet explorer. I have to use Apple's safari.

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