Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 23, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430 and then I slept in until 0700. It being Saturday I got on my bike and headed to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. Usually Bill's is very crowded on Saturdays but this morning it was nearly empty. I guess folks are on vacation.

Today it is finally cool enough to cut the grass. When I got home the grass was still wet from an early morning sprinkle. I started the lawn work backwards. First I trimmed and edged the lawn. This is usually a chore I do after the grass has been cut.

Today being Saturday I had plenty of time so I instead of cutting the front lawn east to west I cut it on a diagonal. I usually cut the side yard in a north-south direction so today I did east-west. Changing cutting directions was recommended by a grass expert at Meijer's Garden. After the grass cutting I took a 2 mile walk.

Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This is the first time we have been at GLS in about a month. It was too hot to sit outside. GLS's desk has no shade. We both had the prime rib sandwich. We stopped at D&W to get some fresh fruit. We have been eating Michigan grown fruit all week. Michigan fruit is great especially when fresh. We read the GRP and watched some TV before going to bed.

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