Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday June 25, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430. The stars and moon were bright. Today is going to be a great day, weather-wise. I pedaled to Bill's and had their super breakfast. I read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on the DPS's Headstart Program. It appears that this program has been a spectacular example of mismanagement. Detroit might lose their $50 million grant to run the program. The mismanagement has been going on for years.

When I got home I put my kayak rack on the C2 and loaded up and headed to Saugatuck. I put in at Douglas and paddled around Kalamazoo Lake. I paddled as far as the channel to Lake Michigan. It was a great day to be on the water. A lot of boats were heading out into the big lake. I did notice some homes along the lake for sale. I might check out what they are asking. I also saw some houseboats. I always wanted a houseboat. I spent 2.5 hours on the water.

When I got home I unloaded the C2 and then Nancy and I loaded it up again with all the items we could not sell at the garage sale. I took the items to Good Will. The drop off area was jammed. Today must have been the day to take your unwanted items to Good Will.

We spent a quiet evening at home. Nancy fixed a chicken breast for dinner. I read the GRP and watched some TV. Lately I have been taking a 1.25 mile walk at dusk. Today was no exception. We were upstairs by 2130.

Navy OCS, Newport, RI, 1961: By the last weekend in June I think I had finally figured out what the Navy wanted of me. I shined my shoes their way and made sure I had all my buttons buttoned. We are settled into a routine of classes, drills and duties. We marched everywhere and I can now keep in step. On several Saturdays we had a "Pass in Review". A "Pass in Review" means that we put on our dress whites get our rifle and head to the parade ground. First our Company stands in formation, at attention, and we are inspected by the Commanding Officer. We then march in formation past a reviewing stand. It is all very formal. After a successful "Pass in Review" we are allowed to head to town. In fact we are allowed an overnight pass. I think the first time we had an overnight I stayed in a motel with several classmates. We splurged for a lobster dinner and then headed to the Viking Hotel. My pay in OSC was $80 per month. I still had enough money for a motel room, lobster and beer.

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