Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday June 23, 2011

Thursday Morning and I slept in until 0600. It was raining outside so Ms P stayed in bed. I was groggy this morning and I did not want to get on the rowing machine. Surprise! I set a PB in the 4K row. I wore my raincoat to the MAC but I really did not need it except for warmth. High temperatures today are in the 60s. After the MAC I pedaled right home because I have a 1230 lunch meeting with Jennifer Dougherty.

It started to rain hard as I was driving to Lowell. We have had a lot of rain this week. I have a make shift rain gage and my gage said we have had 2" this week. Lunch with Jennifer was great. She gave me an update on her family. We also talked about a project she is working on. I agreed with her approach to solving the project's problems.

After lunch I stopped by Juhas-Sullivan Jewelry to see if they could get my Rolex repaired. They said, yes, so I left the watch in their care. Jeff Juhas, the owner, gave me an appraisal of the watch. I was shocked.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It was cold and rainy so we ate inside. On our way home we stopped by the ATM and a clothing store. We watched some TV and read the GRP. Like most old folks, we were upstairs by 2130.

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