Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0400 to answer natures call. I went back to bed and got up at 0700. Today is my easy day so I got on the bike and headed to Marie Catrib's. I thought I would try another place for breakfast. Boy was I disappointed. I had burnt toast and only one piece at that, lukewarm oatmeal and tepid coffee. Goodbye Marie.

After my disappointing and expensive breakfast I pedaled home and loaded the bike on the rack and headed to Kent Trails/Millennium Park. It was very hot but the nice thing about these trails is that they have a lot of shade. I rode 15 miles in 1h17'. I got home at 1300 and had to quickly shower and get dressed so I could make the 1400 GRBA meeting. The meeting started promptly at 1400 and was over by 1500. I was surprised to learn at the meeting that the City Engineer's office had a major downsizing. The Engineer who usually handles the meetings was one of the engineers let go.

I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on my blogs and mail. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's for pizza and beer with Tom Moleski. Yes tonight is book club night. I got home about 1930 and immediately fell asleep. I slept for over an hour. The heat must be getting to me. We think we will need the AC only one more night. The Weather folks say a cold front is moving through.

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