Friday, June 3, 2011

Wednesday June 1, 2011

Ms P and I are wired to get up at 0430. After doing our bidness I went back to bed and got up with the alarm at 0545. Today is breakfast club and I headed downtown at 0630. It was bright and sunny. A major storm was suppose to roll through last night. However, except for some high winds we did not get a drop. The temperature did drop significantly so it is very pleasant.

The speaker today was the new Solicitor General for MI. He is a young, 38, attorney from GR. He gave a very interesting talk. In fact this guy could talk an arm off anyone. After breakfast club I stopped at the Kava to read my morning papers. I got a call on my cell telling me that the GR City Engineer's officer had run the plans for the OHN street lights. I headed downtown to get the plans. Tonight the OHN Street Light committee is meeting at our house to discuss improvements to the street lights.

Right now I am waiting for Jacobson's maintenance man to stop by and do a PM on our air conditioner. We are anticipating a hot summer. He arrived right on time and did his PM check. He said that the AC is 20 years old and is nearing the end of its useful life.

I completed the afternoon with a 7 mile bike ride. The OHNA Street Light Committee had six members in attendance. We met at our house and Nancy made chocolate chip cookies for the members. We came up with a plan of attack and agreed to meet later in the month. My assignment is to prepare a base map for all the members. The meeting ended at 2030. I think we have a good committee.

Nancy and I watched a little TV and finished the GRP. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I channel surfed until 2230.

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