Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday June 22, 2011

Tuesday June 21, 2011: Today is the first day of summer and the temperature at 0430 was in the 70s. Today I did my exercise routine at home. I did not do the 1.5 mile run. I elected to go on a long bike ride in lieu of the MAC. I rode to Ada and then back to the Kava House, a distance of 21 miles. It was very hot and humid. I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to work on the OHNA Street Light project. I am having a hard time downloading the City's aerial map of the area. I called the City and Allen Brock told me that he would put the data on a disk. I immediately got Ms P and headed downtown. When I got home I viewed the aerials and they look great, however, I cannot put them in ACAD LT. So what do I do when I have a CAD problem, you guessed it, I call Jennifer. I did put my inspection report of the 53 lights on excel. I even came up with a condition rating system for the lights.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner. It was a great summer meal. It started getting very dark about 1800. In fact the weather folks kept broadcasting right through the national news. It started raining hard about 1945. I think we got over an inch in about an hour. We headed to bed about 2100 and the thunder and lightning spooked Ms P. She gets real hyper during a thunder storm. I took her into a spare bedroom and left the light and radio on to try and quiet her down. She kept bugging me but I ignored her and finally she fell asleep.

Wednesday June 22, 2011: Today is my easy day. Ms P and I went out at 0600. We then went back to bed and finally got up at 0800. I pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. The weather folks say that we might have some showers today. However, it is summer and warm so rain will not kill me. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Holland. I stopped at the River Street bridge and walked around to see how it was holding up. Everything appeared ok. The river was very muddy from last night's storm.

After the bridge inspection I headed to Holland State Park. The parking lot at the park was about 60% full. It was cool and very windy. I looked out at the beach and did not see anyone in the water even though the beach was crowded. I left the Park and headed to Lakeshore Drive. I was 5 miles into the ride when it started raining. It rained very hard for about 5 minutes. The rain stopped and soon the sun came out. I rode 10 miles north and then turned around. I wanted to ride 20 miles so my odometer would reach 600 miles. I have put 600 miles on my bike since April.

Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens this afternoon. She was already home when I arrived at 1700. I walked Ms P around the block and then started on this blog. We had cereal for dinner tonight. I also finished the rhubarb sauce that Nancy fixed for me yesterday. We watched the news and then I went on a 1.5 mile walk. I did watch the President' speech tonight. I think he should bring the troops home faster. At 2100 we all headed upstairs.

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