Monday, June 20, 2011

Thursday June 16, 2011

It was still raining when Ms P and I went out at 0445. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0700. I did not leave home for the MAC until 0900. It was cool with rain possible. It did not rain on my trip to the MAC. Today I added another routine to my dead lifts. In addition to doing 3 sets of 110# dead lifts, five reps per set I added 3 sets of 135#, 3 reps per set. I read several articles that said if you only have time for one weight exercise it should be dead lifts. Us old folks need resistance training. I hate to lift weights.

At the Kava House I read in detail the WSJ. I find the problems in Greece interesting but confusing. The WSJ does not like ObemaCare. They claim that many employers will opt out of health insurance and take the $2,000 per employee fine. The fine is cheaper. I think every employer should at a minimum provide health insurance for every employee. I think ObemaCare is too complicated.

This morning I got a call from Ryan at Scott Engineering. He wanted me to come in and talk about their 6th Street Bridge project. I arrived at SCECO at 1400 and we discussed the project. I think they have the project pretty well thought out. I just wish GR would make 6th Street one way. The bridge is much to narrow.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and listened to the music. We both had the prime rib sandwich. It was great. We have a busy weekend coming up so Nancy and I head to bed early.

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