Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday June 4, 2011

First weekend June, 1961: Navy OCS, Newport, RI: This is first weekend that OCS cadets have liberty. Everyone put on his white sailor suit and headed to town. Everyone except me. I put on my white sailor suit with gaiters, picked up a 1898 Springfield rifle and headed for the grinder. I marched for four hours. These silly rules are getting me down. If I hear "in attention to detail" one more time I will scream. The Navy does not believe in partial credit. On a brighter note I am actually doing ok in my classes, especially navigation and operations. These classes have a lot of math and my classmates who majored in English are very confused. Navigation is just surveying on water.

June 2011: Today being Saturday I get on my bike and head to Bill's for breakfast. I only read the WSJ because today I am going on a long bike ride. I get home, load up the bike and head to Riverside Park. It is very warm today so I have on shorts and a light shirt. I also put on a heavy dose of sun screen. I pedaled to Cedar Springs. I really like my 5 speed bike but since I have an odometer that gives me all kinds of data I wonder if I would be better off with a ten speed. I am really getting into the science of riding. Is counting cadence my next step. I rode 38 miles. 43 miles if you count my trip to Bill's.

I take a shower and short nap. At 1700 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head downtown. We walk around festival and enjoyed watching all the folks. We stop at the Bosnian food booth and get some kabobs. I tell Nancy that we will be in Bosnia in Oct as part of our river cruise. After the Kabobs we need something sweet so we each get a butter pecan waffle cone. Life is good. We finished our stay by listening to a Dixie Land band. They were good.

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