Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday June 10, 2011

It was a great night for sleeping. The temperature got down to the high fifties. In fact it is now 1800 and the temperature is only 58. It was raining hard early this morning so I drove to the MAC. I only had an hour on the parking meter so I could not finish the DFP and WSJ. I did read an article describing how the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission put a stop on the study about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal area. The study was alleged to be in favor of using Yucca Mountain. The Chairman at one time worked for Nevada Senator Reid an opponent of Yucca Mountain. Nancy and I attended an Elderhostel in Utah and our guide was a retired geologist for the Energy Department. He was involved in the study to find a place for nuclear waste. It was his opinion that Yucca Mountain was far and away the best location. Senator Reid supports the studies that support global warming but fails to support the scientific studies for Yucca Mountain. The same can be said of our President.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and headed upstairs to start working on the OHNA street light project. About 1500 I got a call from Ken Lotterman, our computer guy, and he said he had time to check Nancy's email problem. It took Ken two hours to get everything squared away. So much for the trouble free Apple computer.

Tonight Nancy and I attended a fund raising event at the Zoo. The event started at 1900. They had a silent auction and Nancy and I bid on several items. We will know Monday if we won. They had an Italian buffet and of course a cash bar. The animals must have known that this was a big fund raiser because they were very active. We left at 2100. It has been a long day so when we got home we headed to bed. Actually Nancy headed to bed and I sat down to watch the hockey game and fell asleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Nancy is having a garage sale in the morning. The sale is part of the OHNA's annual garage sale. Ms P and I are heading to Cleveland. Missy and I are riding our bikes in a ride through Amish country on Sunday.

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