Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Today is Breakfast Club. My alarm goes off at 0545 and I get right up. I arrive at 0655 for Breakfast Club. Today's speaker was the Director of the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) and his assistant. This organization back in the 70s sued my employer the Kent County Department of Public Works. We were the bad guys who did not care about the environment. Of course we disagreed. They took us to court several times and they always lost. Based on the talk today I don't think the organization has learned much in the past 30 years. They just do not understand the proper solutions to environmental problems. I don't think that either of the speakers had ever had a science class in college. On a happier note the breakfast was great.

After Breakfast Club I stopped at Rylee's to buy some weed eater string. When I got home I loaded up my AT and headed to the Muskatawa Trail. It was a great day for a ride. I rode 28 miles.

Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden in the afternoon and in the evening she went back to help at an orientation class. I stayed home and had cereal. It was cool and raining when I went to bed. In fact it rained all night.

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