Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday June 9, 2011

Ms P and I did not go out until 0530 this morning. It was much cooler than yesterday. In fact the first thing Nancy and I did this morning was to open windows and turn off the AC. My morning followed my typical Thursday routine. I did not complete the WSJ because I wanted to get home and get the grass cut. The weather folks said that rain it will rain all day Friday and maybe later this afternoon.

I had a quick lunch and started mowing. It has been relatively dry this week so the grass was not as long as past cutting. I completed the yard about 1600. Nancy still does not have her email problem fixed. We are waiting for a call from Ken Lotterman our computer guy to see if he can come this afternoon. We stayed home this evening and I had several PB&J's with a big onion slice. Before going to bed I took a 1.5 mile walk.

The massive forest fire in AZ has been getting a lot of press. According to the news reports the smoke has drifted as far as Texas.

When I was about 10 (1948) on a Sunday in late August my Grandmother and I were home alone in Alpena. It was very dark in the morning and even at 1000 we had to have the lights on. Goody Aikens who lived across the street from us was one of my Grandmother's best friends. Both Goody's and my Grandmother's fathers were doctors. They were the first doctors in Alpena. Goody noted the darkness and thought it was the end of the world. She came over to our house and asked my Grandmother if she could finish her days at our house. My Grandmother said yes. Goody wanted to get some valuables from her house so I went with her across the street. I guess you could say I was riding shotgun. Goody got some jewels and cash. She thanked me profusely for my protection. We finally turned on the radio and we were informed that the darkness was caused by smoke from forest fires in Canada. In fact the Tigers were playing Cleveland in Cleveland and they had to turn on the lights for a daytime game. Another example of the Power of Mother Nature.

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