Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday May 31, 2011

I can't believe it is the last day of May. My day started at 0430 when Ms P and I had to answer nature's call. It was 66⁰ at 0430. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0700. I followed my normal routine and ended up at the Kava House about 1200. It was over 80⁰ at 1200. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had an article about Germany's plan to close all its nukes by 2022. This is a gutsy call because they gets 25% of their power from nukes. I think the problems with nuclear power is the size of the plant. They are so big that if an accident happens it impacts a huge area. I think nuclear power should not be abandoned entirely. I keep reading about building mini plants like they have on nuclear submarines. These plants are less costly and are easier to operate and protect. The impact of an accident is localized.

Speaking of going nuclear I saw Bobby Kennedy Jr. on Morning Joe this morning. He was foaming at the mouth about the evils of coal. I find it interesting that when a wind farm was proposed near the family's summer compound on Cape Cod that Mr. Kennedy thought the idea was evil. I understand that despite Mr. Kennedy's objection that the wind farm is being built. Cooler heads prevailed.

The DFP reported on the DPS schools and a growing feeling that the schools are too far gone to survive. It was recommended that the schools be all turned into charter schools. I don't think this idea will fly even though it has some merit.

After lunch I checked my email, called Debbie to find out how things are in her world. I also made reservations for a Museum event. The weather man said that a major storm will roll through GR in the afternoon. I decided to get a bike ride in before the storm. I rode around Reeds Lake twice a distance of 11.4 miles.

We had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 Nancy headed upstairs to watch Law and Order and I watched a bio on Generals Lee and Grant on the History channel. It was very interesting although I did fall asleep during the 2200-2300 segment.

May 31, 1961: Navy OCS, Newport, RI: We spent the weekend on the base. No liberty until next week end. Navy personnel aboard ship works 4 hour shifts. Actually a shift is called a watch. Our instructors have developed a watch list for all us OCS cadets. We have to stand watch guarding everything from the chapel to barracks. This week I served a 0400-0800 watch guarding some building. I was not excused from any class and had to rejoin my company after the watch was over. I was not very lucky during my OCS days I think I worked only the midnight watch or 0400 watch.

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