Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday May 30, 2011

Memorial Day was special to young Bobby Scott growing up in Alpena. Not only did we not have to go to school but Alpena always had a big parade. When I was a Boy Scout I marched in the parade with Troop 78. The parade ran from downtown to the cemetery. Military services were held at the cemetery including the playing of taps and a five gun salute.

Memorial Day was also significant because this was the day that my mother said I did not have to wear long underwear. Long underwear was a drag in warm weather.

It was warm today in GR. The afternoon temp reached 88⁰. We slept in until 0800. Today is going to be an easy day so about 0830 we get in the Taurus and head to the Brandywine for breakfast. We both had pancakes. After breakfast we came home and picked up Ms P and headed to Saugatuck. We were lucky to find a good parking space because the place was rapidly filling up with tourists. Nancy and I walked around the downtown and bought some rhubarb/strawberry jam.

I took a quick nap and then filled out a permit for our alarm system. The City requires a permit although they charge no fee. I took a bike ride around Reeds Lake and mailed my permit at the Lake Drive PO.

Nancy fired up the grill and cooked some steaks. We had steak, corn-on-the-cob and fresh fruit for dinner. The perfect way to start the Summer season. Nancy went to bed early to watch Law and Order. I stayed downstairs and watched a film on the Battle of Midway. The show was on the military channel.

On this Memorial Day I was asked if I knew anyone who was killed in Vietnam. I knew only one person who was killed. I did not know the Officer's name although I had played tennis with him two day before he was shot down. He was born in Germany and joined the Army after college. He was flying a light single engine observation plane when it was hit. A civilian employee of a Navy contractor was captured by the VC and listed as missing. I don't think he was ever found. A grenade was thrown into one of our construction offices injuring five. They all survived. Recently I met a MAC member who got cancer and the VA determined it was caused by Agent Orange. I talk to a fellow at the Kava House who still suffers from PTS.

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