Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday May 29, 2011

Sunday morning and I was up before the alarm which was set for 0645. Our morning routine followed most Sundays. We swam, shopped at Meijer's and had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I even took an afternoon nap followed by a walk.

At 1630 Bob and Nancy got dressed up and headed to Meijer's Garden. We are attending the 50th Wedding Anniversary party for Ed and Mary Namey. The party was well attended and we got to meet the Namey's family. I was surprised at how many folks I knew who were friends or high school classmates of Ed and Mary. I met Mary's younger sister who now lives at Grand Lake which is about 20 miles north of Alpena. Mary's sister is the daughter-in-law of a high school classmate of mine, Dennis Bowen. There were a lot of folks who had attended Albion College. We got home about 2000. We watched one of the Bourne movies on TV before going to bed.

I remember Memorial Weekend in 1966. Nancy, Debbie and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA. I was really looking forward to this 3 day weekend because for the past month I had worked every weekend. On Friday night I told Nancy that we were going to sleep in. At 0630 the alarm went off and Nancy got up to shut it off. She thought it was a clock in the living room but it was silent. Nancy opened the door and said it was the fire alarm. We are on the third floor. Nancy grabs Debbie and heads outside and tells me to hurry. I was starting down the hall when I realized that I had forgotten my cigarettes. I run back get my cigs and then head downstairs. Nancy and Debbie were waiting for me and I was told there are more important things than cigarettes. I said I would walk a mile for my camels. The fire was confined to one apartment and was soon under control.

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