Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday May 27, 2011

I did not get up until 0600. I took Ms P out and was surprised at how light it was. Sunrise today was at 0609 and sunset at 2111. We have over 15 hours of daylight. The weather folks said today would be sunny but cool. They were right.

The WSJ had several interesting articles. They reported on the US Supreme court support for AZ's Immigrant Law. I don't like the law and would like to see an amnesty program. But the topic is very emotional and I don't think we will see much action before the 2012 election.

I also read the article on how the Saudi's are trying to get all the Sunni nations to curb Iran. There was also an interesting article on how folks who had sued GM and won a settlement before the bankruptcy are not eligible for reimbursement. I try to follow the European Union and their problems with Greece. It looks like a real mess.

Today is lawn day and after lunch I got out my new gas powered mower and cut the grass. Being self-propelled really makes cutting the grass easy. I made a good decision buying this machine.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to a OHNA TGIF. The TGIF was held outside so we had to wear a sweater. I was surprised at how many people attended especially since this is a long weekend. We took a bottle of wine. I thought the wine was especially good but like a dummy I threw out the bottle. We were home by 2100.

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