Sunday, May 29, 2011

Saturday May 28, 2011

Saturday morning and I slept in until 0600. It looked like rain when Ms P and I went out.

Nancy's body pump class at the MAC was canceled today. I said lets go out for breakfast. Nancy said great. We were going to go to Wolfgang's but they had a line waiting to get in. We ended up at my favorite Bill's. I had the French toast special which included potatoes, sausage, and eggs. I like a well balanced breakfast.

I wanted to go on a long bike ride weather permitting. I loaded up the bike and headed to Riverside Park and the White Pine Trail. When I got to Riverside I could not find a place to park. A regatta was being held and the banks were loaded with spectators. I turned the car around and headed to Millennium Park. I hoped I could get 25 miles in before it rained. I had the trail to myself and was able to move right along. I did 26 miles. I missed the rain.

When I got home it still looked like rain so I took a nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I went to Panera Bread for a bowl of soup. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

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