Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday May 21, 2011

I set the alarm for 0630 so Nancy could make her body pump class. I slept in until 0700. I pedaled to "Bill's" for breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled around Reed's Lake.

When Nancy got home from the MAC she immediately started working in the yard. I took a nap. After the nap I grabbed Ms P and headed to Meijer's on Kalamazoo to get a prescription filled and buy some mouse traps. Last winter I set two trap in our garage. Nancy noticed them this afternoon and when I check I found out they were full. The Great White Hunter strikes.

I returned home and set the new traps. I also pedaled around Reed's Lake again. I have to get my legs in shape because on June 12 Missy, AJ and I are going on a bike ride through Amish Country in Ohio. This will be our third time for the ride. We are either going 25 or 50 miles.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Derby Station, a pub in Gaslight Village. I thought the food and surrounding were good and gave Derby Station a 3.2. Nancy gave it a 2.8.

Not much on TV so we read a little and then at 1000 we headed to bed. A wild Saturday night in GR.

1961 OCS, Newport, RI: This is our first weekend and we are all confined to the base. On Friday night Mike Company had to clean the barracks. We moved bunks and washed, waxed and buffed the wood deck. Of course we also had to clean the heads. After the cleaning was complete the Drill Instructor would inspect and if it did not me his standards we did it again. Every Friday night we cleaned our barracks. It did not take that long because we had a lot of folks helping.

Saturday morning we met at 0600 on the grinder for exercise and to practice marching and other military drills. The rest of the weekend was spent shining shoes and brass and doing homework. OCS was more mental than physical. We had classes every day and were assigned homework. Typical classes were: Naval History, Orientation, Operations, Navigation etc.

All candidates had the rating of "Officer Candidate Seaman Apprentice". We were paid $80 per month.

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