Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday May 24, 2011

I never thought I would see this day but today is Blog 1,000. When Missy set me up I thought that maybe I would write about 60 blogs and then move on. I am trying to change the blog's format to make it more interesting. I think cereal night, world famous poached eggs, Kava House and MAC are becoming redundant.

Today was a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the low 70s. I love this time of year. After the morning routine Ms P and I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I made a bank deposit, picked up my prescription at Meijer's and purchased rhubarb, cherries, and a new garbage can.

After the errands I loaded the kayak on the C2 and headed to Reeds Lake. I finally have figured out the best way to load the kayak on the C2. The only folks on the lake were several fishermen. I think that in the past two years about 5 new homes have been built on the lake. I bet every home cost more the $1,000,000. I got home at 1730 and after a quick shower I headed downstairs for dinner. We had leftovers this evening. I will watch NCIS and then head to bed about 2100. Lately, Nancy and I have watched TV in bed until 2200. I am saving all my reading for a rainy day. I hope the rainy day is 60 days in the future.

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