Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday May 19, 2011

Yesterday my GP said I could resume my exercise routine but take it easy. I did everything at 75%. I thought I would have some difficulty running but my balance was fine. I did not ride my bike today because of the rain. After the MAC I stopped by D&W to get some yard waste bags. Nancy had heard that the City will eliminate the yard waste collection this year. She was led to believe that stores were running out of the bags and no new ones would be issued. I thought that D&W had a lot of bags.

I stopped at the Kent County Employee's CU to make a deposit. My next stop was Grand Rapids Street and Sanitation Dept. I ordered a 35 gallon recycle cart. The carts are free and we were the only home on the block that did not recycle. On the garbage front we are keeping up with the Jones. The folks at the Sanitation Dept said that the rumor that yard waste collection would end this year are false.

Finally I stop at my favorite hardware store, Rylee's. I looked at their selection of self propelled mowers. Pushing the electric mower and cord is too much work.

After a quick lunch Nancy, Ms P and I got in the Taurus and headed to Countryside Greenhouse to purchase some plants and hanging baskets. The place was jammed.

It being Thursday Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We watched some TV and at 2100 headed upstairs.

May 1961, OCS: Newport, RI: We get up at 0500 and they have lights out at 2300. We have about 15 minutes to do our morning toilet. We line up in formation for inspection and then we head to breakfast. I liked Navy food. Most of my classmates did not share my fondness for the food. We marched everywhere. We had classes all day. The classes were about one hour. In college when you took a test you could get partial credit if you set the problem up right but made a silly math error. The Navy does not give partial credit. "Attention to Detail" was heard over and over.

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