Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday May 23, 2011

Monday morning and I did not get much sleep last night. We had several thunderstorms roll through last night. Ms P went bonkers so I grabbed her and headed to Debbie's bedroom and shut the door. I let her jump and bark until she ran out of gas and fell asleep. I keep the light on and turn the radio on loud and this seemed to settle her down some. I was tired at 0700.

I performed all my non-aerobic exercises at 100%, however, since I am still on the antibiotics medicine I am doing my aerobics at 50%. I set a PB in the 2K row this morning, 8'54". I pedaled to MAC and Kava House. There were a lot of puddles from last night's rain but the air was clean and fresh.

After a quick lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco to get some supplies. We also stopped at Macy's so Nancy could return a purchase. I took a short nap and then went on a 2 mile walk. Our evening consisted of cereal, GRP and TV. We were in bed by 2130.

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