Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday May 26, 2011

Thursday and the morning was uneventful. I did have to wear my rain suit on my ride to the MAC and Kava House. It was not only rainy but also cold. Temperatures were in the 50s.

After lunch I ran several errands. I have a project to erect the antique dinner bell that I had repaired and painted last year. I was going to go to Miller/Zeilstra on Michigan Ave but when I got there I found out they had gone out of business. I stopped at Rylee's to see if they had wood posts but they did not. I did buy an attachment for my kayak rack.

Next I went to Home Depot to see if they had some wood posts. They did but the post dimensions were slightly larger than the original. I will have to check to see if the larger posts are adequate. I also looked at some beach chairs to see if they met Meijer Gardens requirement for use at their concerts. The seat can be no more that 12" above ground and the back must be 31" or less. The Home Depot chairs were 32" high and so were not useable. We purchased earlier this week some chairs from Costco that we thought would work but they too were 32" high. Nancy talked to the folks at Meijer Gardens and they said the 31" was cast in stone.

After my errands I was so frustrated that I took a short nap. At 1730 Nancy and I got dressed for dinner. We are meeting the Horling's at the Bone Fish Grill for dinner. I was surprised at how busy the place was. The food was very good and we enjoyed the Horling's company. We got home about 2100.

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