Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday May 25, 2011

It was raining hard when I took Ms P out at 0500 to do her bidness. She didn't want to get wet so she headed back to bed. Today is my easy day so I slept in until 0700. The rain appeared to have stopped so I rode my bike to "Bill's" for their pancake special. I am trying to speed up my reading but it still takes me over an hour to read the WSJ and DFP. It was pouring when I left "Bill's". I was soaked when I got home. I changed clothes and then checked my e-mail. At 1100 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC for a swim. As I headed to the locker room I heard thunder outside. I turned around and asked if they were closing the pool. The answer was affirmative. I guess State laws says that pools must be closed during electrical storms. I can't win for losing.

It was raining hard so I headed to the Mall. I stopped at Barnes and Noble to look at some bike books. I also stopped at the Apple store to check out the ipad. The problem with the ipad is that it is bigger and heavier than my Kindle. I think the Kindle is a perfect size. It fits in small backpacks and is easy to read. But even the Kindle gives me sore wrists when I read for a long time. I did not buy an ipad.

It was still raining when I got home so I grabbed the Kindle and continued reading my Norwegian crime novel. I read for 45 minutes and then slept for 45. When I got up it had stopped raining so I went on a 3.5 mile walk.

Nancy fixed pinhead oatmeal for dinner. It was really good. I read the GRP and watched the news. I am totally turned off by the programming offered by MNBC in the evening. In fact I get mad watching the smirking Chris Matthews. I think the shows are sponsored by the DNC.

At 2000 I took at 2 mile walk. It is now 2114 and I am in my office writing this blog.

May 1961, Naval OCS, Newport , RI: I was never so busy in my life. Our days are crammed with classes homework and tests. We generally have a test every day. The Navy is very competitive and expects its officers to also be competitive. Every week our grades for every class are collected and a GPA is determined. In addition to grading the school work the Navy give each cadet a grade for his non-academic skills like shining shoes, appearance etc. These non academics skills are given a grade and included in the GPA. The grades are posted with the highest GPA being 1 and the lowest being 50. My first week I was below average. My many demerits lowered my classroom score. Stay tuned.

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