Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday May 18, 2011

Today I had Breakfast Club. I set my alarm for 0545 but it did not go off. I forgot to push the final button. I got up at 0600 and took Ms P out. I had to hustle to make the 0700 meeting. I ended up being one of the first people to arrive. 85% of the folks in attendance arrived between 0700 and 0715.

After Breakfast Club I came home and took Ms P out. I then grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. I was surprised how much coverage was given to the infidelities of Politicians. These clowns never read the code of conduct for married men. The code should never be broken.

Nancy worked at the Garden this afternoon. I had a 1300 appointment with my GP, Dr Dave Kutsche. He looked over all the tests from my Monday visit to Emergency. He also checked me out and said that I should keep taking the antibiotics prescribed by the emergency room doctor. After the visit I took a 3 mile walk.

We had pinhead oatmeal for dinner. Pinhead oatmeal is a product of Scotland and Nancy found a supply on-line. It was good. We watched a little TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

Ms P is getting fat so I walked her around the block two times today. I also took a 1.5 mile walk before going to bed.

May 1961, OCS, Newport, RI: I cannot get the hang of marching. I am always out of step. Is it because I am left handed? I also am having some problems with the language. I learned that I should never say OK. A wall is a bulkhead and stairs are ladders or gangways. The floor is the deck and the toilet is the head. The drill instructors are always harping on Attention to Detail. For example: all your buttons must be buttoned. The buttons on your shirt must line up with your pant fly. The line is called a gig line.
Your entire shoe must be polished. This includes the webbing between the shoe and sole. And of course your brass belt buckle must shine.
Gigs are either good or bad. A bad gig is red and a good gig is blue. I don't think anyone every got a blue gig. I think 5 red gigs equals a demerit. 15 demerits and they kick you out. After 4 days of a 120 day school I have 5 demerits. I am in first place in my 55 member company. Since I have been a bad boy I must march for 4 hours this Saturday. Marching means marching back and forth along a 200 yard line. You must carry a 1898 rifle on your shoulder. Stay tuned

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