Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011: My computer crashed and I lost my entire weekend blog. bummer!!! This is a brief version. Friday and I followed my normal morning routine. When I got home at 1330, I had a quick lunch and then cut the grass. I want the yard to look nice for our Father's Day Brunch. I gave the yard some extra treatment and did not get done until 1730. After a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Brann's on 28 and Kraft. We sat in the sports bar and had a great salad.

Saturday June 18, 2011: Another nice day, Nancy heads to the MAC and I pedal to Bill's for pancakes and eggs. When I get home I load up the kayak and head for Ada. Today I am going to paddle on the Grand River. I head upstream and pass under the M21 bridge under construction. Hardman is the contractor and he was working on a Saturday. It looks like he is having trouble removing the existing concrete piers. I arrive at the outlet for the Thornapple River and take the river to the Ada Dam. I then head back downstream and paddle about an hour upstream on the Grand. I did see two deer and a lot of turtles including the biggest snapping turtle I have ever seen. I spent 2.5 hours on the water. It felt good but I did have some shoulder pain. This was my longest paddle in a year.

When I got home Nancy was busy preparing for the brunch. She is working very hard. In the afternoon we drove over to Gaslight Village to see the Art Fair. We spent about an hour looking around. They appeared to have a large crowd. It was a perfect day for an Art Fair.

We did not go out for dinner because we were waiting for a neighbor to deliver some pastries and cookies he had made for our brunch. The neighbor had just started a bakery and we wanted to give him some business. We had pizza for dinner and then watched a movie on TV.

Sunday June 19, 2011: Father's Day and Nancy and I slept in until about 0730. Nancy got busy cooking her egg dish and I did some chores. The Brunch started at 1030 and by 1035 all ten guests had arrived. We started with a champagne cocktail and some pastries. Everyone was in a good mood. The Brunch was a smashing success. Nancy got a lot of compliments. The last guest left at 1300. It took us about one hour to clean up.

All the kids called today to wish me a Happy Father's Day. It made me feel good. About 1600 I took a 5 mile walk. We did not eat much for dinner because the brunch was so filling. We headed to bed early. It was a great day for Nancy and Bob.

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