Monday, November 1, 2010

Saturday October 30, 2010

Just like the past two days I got up at 0500, took my pill, and then went back to bed until 0650. At 0730, Nancy headed to the MAC and I got on the AC and pedaled to Bill's. I had the pancake and eggs. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had several articles on how nasty the race for MI Supreme Court justice is. Apparently in a census year the Supreme Court plays a major role in redistricting. MI will lose a US legislative seat so how the boundaries are drawn has major political implications.

After breakfast I stopped at Rylee's Hardware which is across the street from Bill's. I purchased some wall anchors so I can hang a coat rack on my office's west wall. I also bought some 10 year smoke alarm batteries. I contacted Missy about 1000 and she said that she was in MI on US23. I realized that I had time so I pedaled back to Rylee's to buy a new smoke alarm. When I got home I hung the new alarm and then checked the one I thought was bad. I was wrong so we now have three smoke alarms on the second floor.

Missy got to GR about 1400. She and AJ had a good day for a car ride. We spent some time getting reacquainted. Missy, AJ, Ms P and yours truly took a walk around the block. At 1730 we all got in Missy's SUV and headed to Russ' for dinner. The four of us lowered the average age in the restaurant by 15 years.

Tomorrow is a busy day so we all headed to bed early. Ms P elected to sleep with Missy and AJ.

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