Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday November 8, 2010

I did another wake up at 0500 and then back to bed. I headed to the MAC at 0730 and the sun was shining brightly. During my youth we did not have DST. DST was not in effect in Michigan until 1973. I like DST because in the summer we have more after work daylight. However, DST ruined the Drive In Movie business. I have fond memories of Drive In Movies.

It was cold this morning with temperature in the low 30s. The weatherman said it would warm up rapidly so I did not have to layer up this morning. At the Kava House I read several articles in the WSJ that were of interest to me. The first was how the alternative energy industry is existing only because of taxpayer money. Why can't these industries survive without Fed support? The Feds also are trying to build transmission lines for their new installations. I think transmission lines should be paid for by the utility.

The WSJ likes to pick on CA. They continue to highlight the serious financial problems the state is facing. They do not think the new Gov can or wants to solve their problems. Public employee unions are high on the WSJ's hit list.

I had a quick lunch this noon and then started to run some errands. I took a sample of Ms P's poop to the Vets. I then bought a cheap stop watch at the mall. I also bought a short leash for Ms P. I stopped at Klingman's to look for a swivel rocker. They were too pricy for me. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. I then strapped on my GPS and went on a 2.25 mile walk. My mile time was 18'14".

Tonight was cereal night. Nancy is tired of cereal so she had a frozen dinner. Not much on TV so we headed to bed early.

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